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Balance sheet

Calculation Paths between Income Statement

How the Balance sheet is made even?

When you estimate Balance sheet for current and future years, it is very usual that the bottom lines do not equal. You do not, however need to correct the imbalance yourself; the model makes it for you.

Let us see how the correction is made in both situations, i.e when assets are bigger or when liabilities are bigger.

1. Assets are estimated to be bigger

There are three parameters that you have to input:
1.    Minimum level of interest bearing long-term liabilities
2.    Minimum level of interest bearing current liabilities
3.    Share of debt allocated to long-term (interest bearing) liabilities

You may also leave the first two parameters to be zero. In this case the company do not necessary have any interest bearing debt at all. If you leave the third parameter to zero, all the generated debt are allocated to interest bearing current liabilities.
At first, the model calculates the difference of assets and liabilities. In this phase your minimum level requirements have already been taken into account. Then the model simply allocates the balance sheet differences to long-term and current liabilities according to what you have determined the share to be.

Here is an example what happens when assets are estimated to be bigger. You do not actually see this happening, it is just the logic behind the model.

2. Liabilities are estimated to be bigger

When liabilities are bigger than assets, the process is simpler. The balance sheet difference is totally allocated to Generated interest bearing financial assets. They are an item in Total financial assets.

Here is an example what happens when assets are estimated to be bigger. You do not actually see this happening, it is just the logic behind the model.

3. What happens when the situation changes?

Let’s say that first the assets are estimated to be bigger and the model has allocated the balance sheet differences to long-term and current liabilities like in example one. Then the profitability decreases rapidly and the estimates will be adjusted downwards. What happens in this situation:

The model will first reverse the adjustment it has made before, so basically opposite of the example number one will happen. While the cash generated will decrease, also the generated debt will decrease. If the model still cannot find balance with these operations, it will continue to add Generated interest bearing financial assets. The model will continue this until the balance sheet is again even.

In the opposite situation the liabilities are first estimated to be bigger, but then assets grow bigger for some reason. Again the model will first reverse the adjustments made before: It will decrease the debt to the minimum level (set by the analyst) and only after will start generating cash.

Parameter allocation – Balance sheet liabilities

Usage instructions and tips

  1. If you have any doubts about any item, you can always ask from us. Very often a parameter with same name should be allocated to different item depending on company and situation. I.e., even though there are many common rules, there are many situations that have to be solved case-by-case.
  2. Sometimes it is difficult to say only based on balance sheet information how to handle an item. In these cases Notes to financial statements may tell you the answer.
  3. Size matters, especially relative size. It is not very relevant where to put 10 millions in the balance sheet if it totals to 10 billions. So the bigger the item, the more it has relevance and more you should consider it.


Item in shareholders’ equity and liabilitiesMost probable target in Excel modelNote
Accounts and notes payableNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Accounts payableNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Accrual liabilitiesNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Accrued expensesNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Accrued liabilitiesNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Accrued taxes payableNon-interest bearing current liabilitiesDo not confuse this with deferred tax liabilities.
Accumulated deficitRetained earnings 
Accumulated other comprehensive incomeRetained earnings 
Additional paid in capitalOther equity 
Advances receivedNon-interest bearing current liabilities (Advances received)In Excel there is an own row for advances received outside of balance sheet so that we can calculate equity ratio. However, in balance sheet you should include this in Non-interest bearing current liabilities.
BorrowingsLong-term / Short-term debt 
Capital lease obligationsOther long-term (current) liabilities 
Capital reservesOther equity 
Capital stockShare capital 
Common StockShare capital 
Cumulative translation adjustmentOther equity 
Currency translation adjustmentsOther equity 
Current liabilitiesEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different current liabilities.
Current portion of long-term debtShort-term debt 
Deferred incomeNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Deferred income taxesDeferred tax liabilities 
Deferred tax liabilitiesDeferred tax liabilities 
Deferred tax liabilityDeferred tax liabilities 
Deferred taxesDeferred tax liabilities 
Employee related liabilitiesOther long-term / current liabilities 
Financial lease commitmentsOther long-term / short-term liabilities 
Financial liabilitiesLong-term / Short-term debt 
Group equityThis is most probably a sum item that is not imputted to Excel.
Income tax payableDeferred tax liabilities 
Issued and paid-in share capitalShare capital 
Legal and statutory reservesOther equity 
LiabilitiesEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different liabilities.
LoansLong-term / Short-term debt 
Loans payableLong-term / Short-term debt 
Long-term debtLong-term debt 
Long-term financial liabilitiesLong-term debt 
Long-term interest-bearing liabilitiesLong-term debt 
Long-term liabilitiesEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different long-term liabilities.
Long-term provisionsProvisions 
Minority interestMinority interest 
Minority interestsMinority interest 
Minority interests in consolidated companiesMinority interest 
Minority stockholder’s interestMinority interest 
Miscellaneous long-term liabilitiesOther long-term liabilities 
Miscellaneous short-term liabilitiesOther current liabilities 
Negative goodwillOther equity 
Net incomeRetained earnings 
Net income (loss)Retained earnings 
Net income for the yearRetained earnings 
Non-current liabilitiesEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different short-term liabilities.
Notes and loansLong-term / Short-term debt 
Notes and loans, current portionShort-term debt 
Other accounts payableNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Other accumulated comprehensive incomeRetained earnings 
Other comprehensive incomeRetained earnings 
Other current liabilitiesOther current liabilities 
Other debtOther long-term / current liabilities 
Other liabilitiesOther long-term / current liabilities 
Other long-term liabilitiesOther long-term liabilities 
Other long-term provisionsProvisions 
Other non-current liabilitiesOther long-term liabilities 
Other provisionsProvisions 
Other reservesOther equity 
Other reserves of the parent companyOther equity 
Paid-in surplusOther equity 
Payroll taxes, social security and VATNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Pensions and other retirement benefitsOther long-term / current liabilitiesUsually long-term
Pensions costsOther long-term / current liabilitiesUsually long-term
Preferred stockShare capital 
Provisions for contingencies and long-term liabilitiesProvisions 
Provisions for pensions and other post-employment benefitsProvisions 
Refundable depositsLong-term / Short-term debt 
Reserves of consolidated companiesOther equity 
Restatement reservesOther equity 
Restructuring provisionsProvisions 
Retained earningsRetained earnings 
SalariesNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Share capitalShare capital 
Share issue premiumOther equity 
Shareholders’ equityShare capital 
Shareholders’ equity, group shareShare capital 
Shares authorizedShare capital 
Shares issuedShare capital 
Shares outstandingShare capital 
Shares repurchasedShares repurchased 
Short-term borrowingsShort-term debt 
Short-term debtShort-term debt 
Short-term financial liabilitiesShort-term debtOr sum item that is not directly imputted to Excel.
Short-term liabilitiesShort-term debtOr sum item that is not directly imputted to Excel.
Short-term provisionsProvisions 
Stockholders equityShare capital 
Subsidies and deferred revenuesNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Total current liabilitiesEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different short-term liabilities.
Total debtEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different liabilities.
Total group equityThis is most probably a sum item that is not imputted to Excel.
Total liabilitiesBalance sheet totalNot imputted in Excel (calculated automatically).
Total liabilities and group equityBalance sheet totalNot imputted in Excel (calculated automatically).
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equityBalance sheet totalNot imputted in Excel (calculated automatically).
Total long-term debtLong-term debtOr sum item that is not directly imputted to Excel.
Total long-term liabilitiesLong-term debtEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different long-term liabilities.
Total non-current liabilitiesEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different long-term liabilities.
Total provisionsProvisions 
Total shareholders’ equity This is most probably a sum item that is not imputted to Excel.
Total shareholders’ equity and liabilitiesBalance sheet totalNot imputted in Excel (calculated automatically).
Trade accounts payableNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Trade liabilitiesNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Trade payablesNon-interest bearing current liabilities 
Translation differencesOther equity 
Treasury sharesShare capital 
Treasury stockShare capital 

Company does not tell the share of interest bearing debt


A company reports long-term and short-term debt, but not how they are divided into interest and non-interest bearing debt.

Even though there would be no information about the interest bearing debt in the balance sheet, the company usually tells the total interest bearing debt or the net debt in the texts of interim report or fiscal year announcement. Using these parameters you are able to estimate the needed values. So you should search (Ctrl+F) for these terms in the text.

Long-term debt

If you get the net debt figure, simply add cash & equivalents (from the assets’ side) to it in order to have total interest bearing liabilities.

Interest bearing debt = Net debt + Cash & cash equivalents

Then it is reasonable to assume that all the long-term liabilities are interest bearing. And what remains from them, can be allocated to short-term debt.

Short-term debt = Interest bearing debt – Long-term debt 

On the other hand, you may directly find total interest bearing debt. Again, assume that all long-term debt is interest bearing and allocate the rest to the short-term debt.

Short-term liabilities

The part of total short-term debt that is thus not allocated to short-term interest bearing debt can be allocated to short-term non-interest bearing liabilities.

This allocation would perhaps not be exactly true, but it is fair enough because the most important thing is that total interest bearing debt is correct even though the allocation of them to short-term and long-term would be a bit inaccurate.

Detailed information in notes

Often the more detailed information can be found from “notes to the financial statements” which can be found from the annual report only. Thus normally from late January up till mid-March there is only rough information available from the balance sheet items and the analyst has to do some assumptions, which can be later on refined with annual report information.

Parameter allocation – Assets

Usage instructions and tips

  1. If you have any doubts about any item, you can always ask from us. Very often a parameter with same name should be allocated to different item depending on company and situation. I.e., even though there are many common rules, there are many situations that have to be solved case-by-case.
  2. Sometimes it is difficult to say only based on balance sheet information how to handle an item. In these cases Notes to financial statements may tell you the answer.
  3. Size matters, especially relative size. It is not very relevant where to put 10 millions in the balance sheet if it totals to 10 billions. So the bigger the item, the more it has relevance and more you should consider it.


Item in balance sheet assetsMost probable target in Excel modelNote
Accounts receivableReceivables 
Accounts receivable tradeReceivables 
Allowance for doubtful accountsReceivables 
Available-for-sale investmentsInvestments / Cash and cash equivalentsDepends on the liquidity.
Bank and cashCash and cash equivalents 
Capitalized development costsOther intangible rights 
Cash and cash equivalentsCash and cash equivalents 
Cash on hand and at banksCash and cash equivalents 
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investmentsCash and cash equivalents 
Construction in progressTangible assets / InventoriesInventories if the company is e.g. in construction business.
Current assetsEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different current assets.
Deferred chargesOther non-current / current assets 
Deferred expensesOther non-current / current assets 
Deferred income taxesDeferred tax assets 
Deferred tax assetsDeferred tax assets 
Deferred taxesDeferred tax assets 
Equipment on operating leasesTangible assets 
Financial assetsEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different current assets (usually to receivables and cash).
Fixed and other noncurrent assetsEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to different non-current assets.
Fixed assetsTangible assetsThis can also be a sum item that is not imputted to Excel.
Fixed assets and other non-current assetsTangible assetsThis can also be a sum item that is not imputted to Excel.
Goodwill arising on consolidationGoodwill 
Intangible assetsOther intangible assets 
Investments and long-term financial assetsInvestments 
Investments in affiliates and other financial assetsInvestments 
Investments in associated companiesInvestments 
Investments in joint ventures and equity investeesInvestments 
LandTangible assets 
Liquid assetsCash and cash equivalents 
Long-term InvestmentsInvestmentsSee where this is in assets (non-current or current). If the amount is big, you should try to find out a true nature of this item (notes to financial statements). This may require case-by-case consideration so please ask from us.
Long-term loans receivableOther non-current assets 
Machinery and equipmentTangible assets 
Marketable securities and other instrumentsCash and cash equivalents 
Marketable securities and short-term investmentsCash and cash equivalents 
Non-fixed assetsOther intangible assets 
Other accounts receivableReceivables 
Other assetsOther non-current assets / Other current assetsSee where this is in assets (non-current or current). If the amount is big, you should try to find out a true nature of this item (notes to financial statements). This may require case-by-case consideration so please ask from us.
Other current assetsOther current assets 
Other financial assetsCash and cash equivalentsSee where this is in assets (non-current or current). If the amount is big and this is located in current assets, then you should try to find out a true nature of this item (notes to financial statements). This may require case-by-case consideration so please ask from us.
Other intangible AssetsOther intangible assets 
Other non-current assetsOther non-current assets 
Other receivablesReceivables / Other non-current / current assets 
Other receivables and assetsOther non-current / current assets 
Prepaid expensesOther current assets 
Prepaid expenses and accrued incomeOther current assets 
Prepaid expenses and deferred collectionsOther current assets 
Property and equipmentTangible assets 
Property, plant and equipmentTangible assets 
Receivables and other assetsReceivables 
SecuritiesCash and cash equivalents 
Short-term investmentsCash and cash equivalents / Other current assetsDepends on liquidity
Short-term loan receivableReceivables / Other current assets 
Start-up expensesOther intangible assets 
Tangible fixed assetsTangible assets 
Tax receivablesDeferred tax assets 
Temporary cash investmentsCash and cash equivalents 
Total accounts receivableReceivables / Sum itemEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or receivables.
Total assetsBalance sheet totalNot imputted in Excel (calculated automatically).
Total current assetsEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to current assets.
Total financial assetsEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to cash and receivables.
Total fixed and other noncurrent assetsEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to non-current assets.
Total intangible assetsOther intangible assets 
Total non-current assetsEither this is a sum item that is not imputted to Excel or you have to allocate it to non-current assets.
Trade accounts receivableReceivables 
Trade and suppliers receivablesReceivables 
Trade receivablesReceivables