Valuatum Excel Models
Valuatum offers modern Excel models for easy input and editing of financial data. While the browser tools are useful for small changes, Excel models can be used to easily input full financial statements into the database.
Here we will explain the key features of our Excel models. Full manual can be found here.
Main sheet
The main sheet of the Excel model contains company data and a full income statement and balance sheet.

Here you can:
- Download and upload data
- Make changes to the numbers and company basic data, such as name
- Generate and edit estimate numbers
- For detailed instructions, see the full manual
Output sheets in Excel models
Output sheets are sheets that are used for informative purposes only, i.e., no data is inputted on these sheets. In general, the web interface is best for this purpose but we have noticed that it is important to have some key information readily available in Excel as well.
The default model includes output sheets with cash flow statement and key figures overview but it is also possible for users to implement their own output sheets linking data to and from the main sheet. We can also implement customer-specific output sheets to the model upon request.
Automatic features of Excel models
The Excel model has several automatic features to improve functionality and the user experience. The most important ones are listed below.
Automatic generation of estimates
You can generate automatic estimates with a click of a button and then edit them to match the actual estimates. Automatic estimates are calculated based on previous periods’ values. Their main objective is to make inputting of estimate data easier.
You can also input estimates manually for some years and then generate automatic estimates based on those numbers.
Multiple calculation paths
In estimate periods you can use your favorite estimate parameters. You can, for example, input net sales as an absolute value or via growth-%. Similarly, you can estimate many balance sheet items by entering either the sub-items or the grand total.
Whatever estimate parameters you decide to use, other parameters are always adjusted correctly and the balance sheet is made even automatically
Automatic updates
When we release new versions of the Excel model, you can update your current model with a click of a button. The upgrade process preserves all changes you have made, even the links to custom sheets and external files.
Actualization of fiscal periods
Fiscal periods can be actualized using a simple macro so you do not have to manually copy the data from one column to another when the company releases new financial statements.
Change of language and display precision
Currently numbers can be shown in units, thousands, or millions. Supported languages are English and Finnish. You can switch at any time by choosing the correct value from a drop-down menu, and all values are converted automatically.
Integration between Excel and Company Views
All changes made in the Excel model are immediately visible in the company views pages, and vice versa.